Monday, October 24, 2005

Celtic-Irish/Mexican Wedding

Here are some of my favorite images from the wedding I photographed on October 8th. Samantha and Victor had a multi-cultural wedding with touches of Samantha's Celtic-Irish and Victor's Mexican heritage. It was a beautiful affair held at Our Lady of the Guadalupe Catholic Church in Temple, TX with the reception at Tenroc Ranch in Salado. See photo above - I LOVE the custom letterpress coasters that Samantha and Victor featured at their wedding. They had recipes for a Mexican Martini on the back!

I think that's all for now. Next wedding - Austin and Geoff at Laguna Gloria.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Vineyard wedding

Recently I finished working on the wedding of Alice and Geoff. Alice and Geoff were married at the Vineyards in San Antonio. It was a beautiful venue for a wedding and Alice and Geoff were a lot of fun. I loved Alice's dress - it was so elegant and classic looking. Here are some of my favorite shots from their wedding!

The girls riding from the salon to the venue.

Alice dressing.

The vows.

In the vineyard after the ceremony.

Geoff and his best man.

The getaway car.

The getaway.

That's all for now!


Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm back...

Hi everyone! I just returned late, late Tuesday night from a destination wedding shoot in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Diana Lott (of Diana Lott Photography) and I photographed Farya and Paul's wedding together at the Riu Palace Resort. The wedding was gorgeous and we had a great time. I'll post some shots soon, but first I'm off to edit my weddings from the weekend prior, and I'll be posting those soon as well.

Be sure to check back soon!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Engagements galore.

Last week I photographed 2 engagement sessions in addition to the 2 bridal sessions that I've already posted about. Both sessions were great with fun, lively couples. Here are some of my favorite pics.

I'm off to pack now for the destination wedding I'll be shooting on Friday in Cancun, Mexico. I'll be out of the office from Thurs Oct 13th and I'll be returning on Tuesday the 18th. Playa here I come!


Monday, October 10, 2005

Ooh spider!

I've just finished editing a bridal session from last week at Laguna Gloria. Amanda wore a beautiful dress and a handmade veil. As we were about to start her portraits, she spotted this huge spider right by where I was to have her stand. She was brave and still stood in the spot, but had her lovely grandma keep a very close eye on the spider should it decide to move her way. I don't blame her - that thing is scary. It's hard to tell from the photo, but the spider was about 3 inches long! It was huge!

Here are a few more images from Amanda's session (sans spider!).

That's all for now! Have a great day.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bathtub Bride

Ha, I bet that title got your attention! I've just finished editing Maribeth and Erin's wedding so I'm onto my portrait sessions. I have 4 portrait sessions scheduled this week (2 bridal and 2 eng sessions), which is a large number for me in 1 week considering how much time I spend at the actual shoot and editing afterwards. Right now I've started to edit my first bridal session of the week. I'm dubbing Mandi my "bathtub bride"! We shot the images at Mandi's mother's home in far South Austin. It is a beautiful property, and also where the wedding will be held. Mandi wanted a different look for her photos, and she wasn't afraid to try anything. When we started I told her I had a strange sounding idea, which was to shoot a few portraits in the bathtub of her mom's beautiful bathroom. I was afraid Mandi, her sister, and her mom might look at me like I was growing an extra ear when I suggested that, but they said they had already thought of that idea! It was meant to be. Here are a few shots from the "bathtub". Mandi also thought to put on her cowboy boots for these pics, which was a great touch! Cinematographer Chris with Mason Jar Productions was there videoing the shoot for Mandi. I'll try to post the link to his video when it is ready.

Here are a few more from the shoot...

Mandi is an accountant so we thought it was funny to do some pics in her father's study with an income tax book!

Here Mandi is making faces back at her sister Anna Kate, who was trying to make Mandi laugh for the photos.

We brought a leather chaise outside and did some pictures with Mandi on the chaise in the middle of the grass.

Mandi's sister Anna Kate made Mandi's bouquet. Isn't it gorgeous?

Here is a shot of Mandi walking her poodles. Boy was that a difficult shot to get - those dogs have a lot of energy as you can see!

One last shot - another difficult one! I wanted the blue of the pool to show behind Mandi so I had her lean back in a chair right on the edge of the pool and I stood on a chair above her.

That's all for now!