I've been published (well sort of)!

Well it's been a crazy busy summer - I'm glad it's almost fall. Fall/winter is my favorite time of year...I can't wait for sweater weather! I have to apologize that I haven't kept up with the blog as I would have liked to - I just got so busy that it was put on the backburner but I will try to keep up with it more this fall. A blog is sorta like a diary and I never was very good at keeping up with one of those!
Now onto some exciting news - early this year I was asked to contribute to a book that was being written for beginning wedding photographers. Well, I just found out that the book has been published and it's available on amazon.com. It's called Digital Wedding Photography and the author is Glen Johnson. I haven't seen it in person yet but I can't wait! It's my first time ever being "published", even if it was just as a contributor. How exciting!
Congratulations! You definitely deserve any and all acolades you receive.
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