Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Cute flower girls!

Flowers Visual Lyrics Venue Villa Antonia
Currently I'm editing images from the wedding of Maribeth and Erin Crosby. Their wedding was held on a beautiful Saturday evening (September 24th) at Villa Antonia. I called Maribeth the week before the wedding and she was panicking because there was a chance (at that time) that hurricane Rita would be hitting Central Texas on Saturday evening. The wedding coordinator at Villa Antonia told Maribeth that it would be beautiful for her wedding, and I secretly thought she was crazy (but of course I didn't tell this to Maribeth - I didn't want to cause her any more panic). Well, the wedding coordinator was right, thank goodness! I wish all my clients could have beautiful weather on their wedding, but it isn't always in the cards.

Here's a fun shot of Maribeth getting her hair done. A little scary, huh? Don't worry, the end result looked nothing like this : )

To the right is my favorite shot from Maribeth and Erin's wedding. These little flower girls were adorable! This image is completely unposed.

I've had lots of cute kiddos at recent weddings. Below is another flower girl sequence from an August wedding at Villa Antonia.
Here are a few more favorite shots from Maribeth and Erin's wedding. Here is my favorite shot from the ceremony.
And a few shots from the reception.

That's all for now. Have a great day!


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