Long time no blog!! I'd had it up to here with blogger...couldn't get my photos to load at all so I sort of gave up for a while but it looks like I've been upgraded. I may also be switching blogs soon as I have a new website in the works (stay tuned for sneak peeks) which comes with a built in blog feature!
The last few months I've also been working on a rebranding of sorts. Let me know what you think of my new logo courtesy of Spoonbend Design ( of Austin!! Along with the rebranding I'm getting new business cards, website, and a slew of other fun stuff. Stay tuned for sneak peeks
I'm still waiting on my new house/studio to be completed. It's located in the green built development called Agave ( in East Austin (near where 183 and MLK meet up). It has been continually delayed. I am due to close in mid December (a whole year since I signed the contract!!) I've attached a couple pics here of the progress. As you can see I'm not afraid of color : )

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! Stay tuned, I'll try to post more often now that blogger seems to be letting me post pics!