Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Can't get away from Gia...

All last week I was in attendance at a photography workshop (www.antiworkshop.com) which was held at the Alamo Drafthouse here in Austin. One day we had a photo scavenger hunt and were divided into 11 teams of 4. We had local regular people as models (thanks to my second shooter Gia and my past bride Rebecca who volunteered to be models for us). Funny how things go, I ended up with Gia as my model, out of a total of 11 possibilities. We were assigned models randomly. Here are some of my fav shots from the shoot!

To make you smile

Last week I had the chance to photography Bailey and Izzie, 2 English Bulldogs owned by Katherine. Being a dog lover, I jumped at the chance to shoot some bulldogs because they are full of personality, and Bailey and Izzie were definitely no exception. I can't help but laugh when I look at the shot of Bailey and Izzie as Darth Vader and Princess Leigha!! Hope these bring a smile to your face.
