Monday, November 07, 2005

Is anyone out there??

I'd love to know if anyone is reading my blog... Please post your comments and feedback if you are reading it! Let me know so you can encourage me to keep up with it! : )

I feel like I have to post a photo with every post so here is a fun triptych of my dogs Lucy and Linus. Lucy is an English Pointer and Linus is a Boston Terrier. I shot these photos in my studio without any assistant, and let me tell you it was the most challenging photo shoot ever - more difficult than any wedding! I had this image made into a huge 20x24 print on a canvas stretcher frame and it currently hangs on my mint green wall in my kitchen dining area.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Heather, I periodically check out your blog/pictures. I am an aspiring photographer in the Houston area and absolutely love your work. Thanks for sharing!


9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already mentioned that I'm here!

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heather. I have your website as my home page so that I can see what wonderful new things you have to show the world. Your photography is amazing and thank you for letting us all get a glimpse of your work. Keep it up, we'll be watching!

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a new reader, but I'm reading :)

8:18 AM  

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