Sunday, November 06, 2005

Una boda in Mexico!

I love Mexico! What a great time Diana ( and I had photographing Farya and Paul's wedding in Playa del Carmen at the beautiful Riu Palace Hotel. We couldn't have done it (and I know they couldn't have either) without the help of the fabulous wedding consultant Tanya Posavatz at Clink Weddings, Tanya was so dedicated to making Farya and Paul's wedding a success that she packed her own suitcases full of the linens for the tables at their wedding, leaving little room for her own clothing! Now that's dedication! Now onto the pics!
Paul and Farya had a beautiful Iranian ceremony which was full of symbolism. During the entire ceremony, the bridemaids took turns grating sugar over a sheet which was held above Farya and Paul's heads. This action symbolized continuing sweetness and happiness in their life together.
Paul and Farya also fed each other honey which symbolized the sweetness that would be in their married life together.
I hope you've enjoyed these photos from the Iranian wedding in Mexico!


Blogger Heather Banks said...

It was a great time! Thanks for your comments - it is great to know someone is looking at my blog!

9:04 PM  

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