Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Czech Celebration!

Megan and Darren were married on Oct 22 at St. Mary's, with a reception at the Shoreline Grill. Darren has a Czech heritage, so they had a "Grand March" at their wedding. A Grand March is a cultural tradition dance that is led by an elder couple. It's quite a big production and it was great fun to take photos of it. Shoreline Grill does not have a lot of space to move around so I think the guests had a great time "maneuvering"!

They also had a GREAT band called Flat Stanley at their reception. I've seen a lot of great bands at the many receptions I've photographed, and these guys were at the top of my list. They had a lot of charisma!

Now, onto some images!

St. Mary's Cathedral (below) is very beautiful.

Megan and Darren took a carriage ride to their reception at the Shoreline.

Here is a shot of Megan during the Grand March.

These guys were really into the dancing, which made for some great images.

That's all for now! I'm a little backed up on posting my favorites here, so I'll probably post my favorites from 2 more weddings tomorrow or the next day, so check back!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I've neglected my postings a bit in the past week because I've been so busy editing recent weddings, designing albums, and getting together orders for clients...I'm about to go visit family in Katy, TX for a few days, but when I get back into town I promise I'll update with some more recent weddings (still to come my weddings from Oct 29th, Nov 4th, Nov 12th, and Nov 19th)! So...stay tuned and have a great holiday!


Monday, November 07, 2005

Is anyone out there??

I'd love to know if anyone is reading my blog... Please post your comments and feedback if you are reading it! Let me know so you can encourage me to keep up with it! : )

I feel like I have to post a photo with every post so here is a fun triptych of my dogs Lucy and Linus. Lucy is an English Pointer and Linus is a Boston Terrier. I shot these photos in my studio without any assistant, and let me tell you it was the most challenging photo shoot ever - more difficult than any wedding! I had this image made into a huge 20x24 print on a canvas stretcher frame and it currently hangs on my mint green wall in my kitchen dining area.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Una boda in Mexico!

I love Mexico! What a great time Diana ( and I had photographing Farya and Paul's wedding in Playa del Carmen at the beautiful Riu Palace Hotel. We couldn't have done it (and I know they couldn't have either) without the help of the fabulous wedding consultant Tanya Posavatz at Clink Weddings, Tanya was so dedicated to making Farya and Paul's wedding a success that she packed her own suitcases full of the linens for the tables at their wedding, leaving little room for her own clothing! Now that's dedication! Now onto the pics!
Paul and Farya had a beautiful Iranian ceremony which was full of symbolism. During the entire ceremony, the bridemaids took turns grating sugar over a sheet which was held above Farya and Paul's heads. This action symbolized continuing sweetness and happiness in their life together.
Paul and Farya also fed each other honey which symbolized the sweetness that would be in their married life together.
I hope you've enjoyed these photos from the Iranian wedding in Mexico!

Engagement session Mexico style!

This shot is a little strange but I love it! I just couldn't resist having them become part of the environment. We'll call this "Where are the bride and groom?"

Farya and Paul were married in Playa del Carmen, Mexico at the Riu Palace hotel in mid October. As a team, Diana Lott of and myself (together as Les Deux, photographed their engagement session in downtown Playa del Carmen as well as their wedding the following day. Here are some favs from that session. Paul and Farya were great sports for the session despite the very sticky weather and impending typical afternoon rainshower.

In this shot a curious Mexican family looks on as we shoot some photos in front of their house on the main drag in Playa.

Paul was a bit of a ham in this photo!

Coming next - shots from the wedding!


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A beautiful Sunday evening at Laguna Gloria

Austin and Geoff were married at Laguna Gloria on a Sunday in mid October. Geoff is an architect and I believe (but I'm not sure) that he was the creator of some fabulous placecards they had on their tables. They had a great local band (The Iguanas) play at their reception which really got it hopping. Everyone had a great time and I think the photos reflect it!

That's all for now! Up next, photos from my recent destination wedding shoot in Playa del Carmen, Mexico!
