Friday, January 06, 2006


I know it has been sooo long since I've posted...I hope I haven't lost everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year. I've been so busy since I returned from my destination wedding in Acapulco (which was wonderful and amazing, by the way - details to come later)! The Christmas holiday came up on me so quick and I was very unprepared due to all the traveling I did last I spent some time with family in Katy, TX for a few days and it was a great break.

Also, just prior to Xmas I signed a contract to purchase a house in's being built now and I'll be moving in April/May (fingers crossed). I've attached a photo if anyone would like to see it. It's very modern yet sort of vintage inspired (it has a butterfly roof) and architecturally interesting, which is just my style. It was only a year ago that I moved to the house that I'm now in in Georgetown, but personal circumstances have caused me to make the move into Austin and I'm very excited to do so. The lower level of the house will be dedicated to my studio/office, so I'm very excited about that!

Now I'm back in full swing and I plan to update more regularly - promise!

Next to come I'll be posting pics from the amazingly gorgeous wedding of Amanda and Shaun Harris held at the Edgerton Estate aka Wild Onion stay tuned!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The house looks awesome! I hope that I get the opportunity to see it in person!

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It does look awesome. No apologies necessary. You are entitled to some down time. Happy New Year!

6:35 AM  
Blogger Heather Banks said...

Happy New Year to you all too! Thanks for your comments - I appreciate you guys taking the time to follow my blog. My one and only New Years Resolution is to update more often : )


3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, I occassionally visit your site because I love your photos. You and a few other Austin women wedding photographers are such an inspiration to me. Anyway I was writing because my husband and I have been eyeing Agave since last year and went there last weekend to check out the building progress. Any comments you'd like to share? Please email me at bdemafia at yahoo dot com if you ever read this!


9:32 AM  

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